Monday, June 22, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge- Week #2: Dare to Dream

Today starts week # 2 of the TPT Seller Challenge.. For those that want to join please see these Fabulous ladies’ blogs to go ahead and get started.  ThirdinHollywoodTeachCreateMotivateSparklinginSecondgradePeppyZestyTeacherista

Week #2 is “Dare to Dream”. When I heard of this week’s theme I instantly flashed back to my childhood and “A Dream is a wish your heart makes… “  flooded my memory.

A dream is truly a wish your heart makes. Here are the wishes my heart is making…. 

My first two dreams flow together. I truly want to create products that are fun and engaging not only for teachers but for students as well. I hope that the products that I create will encourage more people to follow and give feedback!

To blog or not to blog: I have recently joined this journey of opening up my classroom to the big world of Social Media.  Because of Social Media I am constantly finding new ways to teach and keep the curriculum fresh. I am forever grateful for the fabulous teachers that think outside the box and hope to one day inspire new and veteran teachers. I dream to keep this blog and all that goes with it active.

Purchase our 1st House: Kenny and I got married in October!  On our first date I just knew he was the one for me. To me, he was the man Nicholas Sparks writes about.  I'm truly lucky that he found me!! We have been saving for some time now and find out later this month if we get approved for our FIRST HoUSE!!!. I really hope that we get approved and can be in a house by the Fall.  I would just LOVE to play designer and create a home for the McCreights.

Preggers:  The secret is out. I would love to be a mommy.  If it is in the Lord’s plan, hopefully we can start soon!

Travel: In college, I was so blessed to have traveled to Europe. My history major's  heart was so full when I was able to see so many of our World’s treasures in real life and not just in the history books. When we went on our honeymoon, I found out that it was Kenny’s 1st time out of the country. I just couldn't believe it!! We have started a "Travel Bucket List" and I would love to have my hubby join in on the adventures and to start crossing off the ever growing list! 

Whole 30: For months I had major tummy trouble. It seemed that whatever I had put into my body, just hurt it. After urging from my hubby, I decided to go see the GI. We did the small things first, but decided I needed to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy.  The prep for surgery was HORRIBLE. I do not wish that on ANYONE.  Nothing was found (thank the Lord) but I still was in pain. Since April, I have been gluten and dairy free. Well, fine. Most of the time. This is a life-style change and my dang sweet tooth won’t let go.  It was hard at first, trying to figure what does or does not have gluten in it. After lots of research, I decided to hit the restart button on my body.  My dream is to do this for the WHOLE 30 days. I start  next week….

What are your dreams? 


  1. I listened to "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" while I read your post. Now I'm going to have it stuck in my head, haha! I'm a not-so-newlywed - we are getting ready to celebrate our fourth anniversary in August - but we are close to the same place in life. We recently bought our first house, and are a little ways off from having kids (waiting on God's timing still), but it's fun to dream! :) Best of luck with your Whole 30 and health goals!

    1. Thank you so much, Rebecca! Good Luck to you too!! :O)

  2. Good luck with all of your dreams! We purchases our first house about 2 months before getting married. If you can believe it, I put an offer in on the house without my husband even seeing it! There was a deadline on the offer and he wasn't able to get there in time! Well, we got the house and he loved it! Four years later we got pregnant with our first babe-good luck to you! It is all a wonderful experience!

    Sliding into First!

    1. That is SO good to hear!! Congrats and best of luck to you!! :O)

  3. Good luck with all of your dreams! :) :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow! I feel like we could be kindred spirits, haha! I am currently in the process of purchasing my first house (eek!), and I totally want to start planning seriously about becoming a mommy too. I also have had major tummy troubles and surgeries to try and find the problems... no fun!! I totally suggest seeing a naturopath if you haven't already - mine completely fixed me and now I am pretty much normal :) I never touch gluten, but I can handle occasional dairy now without getting upset which is so fantastic, and what has helped me the most is making sure I eat a lot of veggies along with no gluten. But it took a long time to get here and a LOT of cutting out foods in the beginning to heal from the inside out! I am sure you will figure it all out, too :) Good luck with your dreams!
    Maternelle avec Mme Andrea

    1. Thank you Andrea! Congrats on purchasing your first home!! That is such a B.I.G accomplishment!! Thank you for the great advice on seeking out a naturopath. Summer is the perfect time to figure out all this!! :O)

  6. Buying a home is so stressful but so much fun! I hope y'all find the perfect house for you all and that it's all that you dreamed of! Good luck with all of your goals :)
